Farmington Downtown Association

The Farmington Downtown Association was founded over fifty years ago. Its purpose is to provide a mechanism for residents, businesses and property owners located in the Downtown district of Farmington to plan, communicate and take actions to improve the Downtown economy through cooperation and consensus.

The Farmington Downtown Association Mission Statement states three points; membership is open to all who accept, agree to and adhere to the purposes of the association.

  1. Promoting the Downtown Farmington area as a center for retail businesses and professional services
  2. Developing the area as a convenient and attractive place to conduct business
  3. Acting as a lobbying agent with local and state officials, agencies, schools and organizations

The Farmington Downtown Association meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 8AM.

We offer a complimentary membership to new downtown businesses. Please complete our form so that we may add you to our database.

There are currently over 50 members in the Farmington Downtown Association. Benefits of you membership include:

  • a fully editable profile here on
  • signal boosting through our social media channels
  • participation in our signature events
  • advertising through our channels
  • a voice a the table as we work towards the future of historic Downtown Farmington

2023 Officers

PresidentVice President TreasurerSecretary
Patty Haggan
American Forest Management, Inc. 
188 Main Street
Paul Mills
Mills & Mills 
163 Main Street 
Katie Deming
Franklin Savings Bank 
209 Main Street
Amber Stone
Twice Sold Tales 
155 Main Street